1 Comment

Interesting compilation - presentation,

IMO we live in a vast Universe - multiverses etc. We are not the only human like beings/ life forms.

Their appears to be many more races from this and other galaxies...

Many whistle blowers attest to 'others', Dan Burish (sp), Bob Dean, Charles Hall and many more. When one has been 'bothered' by Reptilians one gets some added insight.

Yes 'they' do hack minds and are way down the road of the internet of Bodies - see Sabina Wallace and others. Feck 5 billion lacked so much critical thinking they rolled up their sleeves to participate in an untested medical experiment with free bioweapon/ 'jab' for a rebranded flu.... now they may be homo cyborgus - human.2... or ill or dead already.

The good news is that we are all fractals of the divine / source / godhead whatever one wishes to label it. This is our strength and why the synagog of satan et al work so hard to get mankind to surrender. essence/soul ... No surrender - onwards.

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