Sep 9Liked by Kim Osbøl Copenhagen Denmark

It's refreshing to see the Psyops being exposed.

Us slaves have to stop buying into these Psyop traps.

There is no virus!

There is no contagion!


Hopefully, enough wake up soon to avoid another planned pandemic psyop?

Truth, Love, Justice and Freedom!

Are you familiar with YouTuber Doenut? "Illuminati News"

How about, "Herding Humanity"

Are they over the target?

I love that Franklin quote!

Thanks for publishing the unpopular truth.

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Thanks for your comment Doug.

Here is my reply.

I totally agree, There is no virus and no contagion!

I just have a 'problem' with the link you provided.

INTERVIEW The Final Pandemic: An Antidote to Medical Tyranny with Dr. Mark Bailey & Dr. Samantha Bailey.

The David Knight Show




Here is why all fully video documented.

I have followed Dr Sam and Mark Bailey about 2 years and 5 months and have shared alomost all their videos.

Proof: Showing 10 of 106 matches olders first.


Last one about 6 months ago.

Hypocrites Liar Dr Sam Bailey: Why All 'Viruses' Originate In Laboratories! [11.03.2024]



At some point I discovered that the world are owned and controlled be Satanic Pedophiles...

Then I wrote a little comment under SPACEBUSTERS aká Steve Falkonér video.

That what is the real Pandemic?

A 'virus' that never been isolated and do not exsist?

Or that children all over the world are raped and killed by Pedophiles.

I prove everything that I wrote in my videos, incl links in the description.

So you have to read the desvription to.

First SPACEBUSTERS aká Steve Falkonér who libe here in Copenhagen, try research who he 'works' for...

Remember I been 'public' here in Denmark since 2017 and have been writing and saying this since.....

Google my name if you dont believe me.


Systematic Pedophilia & Child Trafficking BIG Thriving in Denmark Part 1 - 28.

- Are the Danish Politicians Sick sexually derailed? (YES)

- Is it an old 'culture' in Denmark? (YES)

- Was Denmark the first country in the world to release Porn? (YES)

- Was Denmark the world's Mecca for Child Pornography? (YES)

- Was Child pornography (Pedophilia) legal in Denmark for 11 years? (YES)

- Are all other politicians silent on this matter? (YES)

- Are they then part of this pedophilia? (YES)

- Do the elite hold hands over and protect each other? (YES)

- Is the legal system in Denmark rotten and corrupt? (YES)

- Are things connected? (YES)

Part 25 A Message to SPACEBUSTERS aká Steve Falkoner Part 1 [16.08.2022]





Part 26 A Message to SPACEBUSTERS aká Steve Falkoner - Part 2 [22.08.2022]






Part 27 A Message to SPACEBUSTERS aká Steve Falkoner Part 3 - The End! [28.08.2022]






Part 28 Kim Osbøl: This is Exactly Why I Make My Fucking 'Stand'! (Part 5) [17.04.2023]

Jenny Li + Hermina Gheorghe




Then the exactly the same happen with Dr Sam and Mark Bailey.

The are Not in favor of Freedom of Speech...

If people with many subs and followers start telling the people whats going on, would more people 'Wake up'?

And does public people like these have a special obligation to tell people whats going on?

And if they dont, who are they 'working for?

And what is most important, stupid brainwashed people who trust the 'System', Politicians, MSM etc who took the 'vaccine'?

Or innocent defenseless children who can NOT Fight for them self?

These people are Fucking Psyops and Traitors in my world...

Just saying, here is the proof:

Kim Osbøl: A public message to Dr Sam and Mark Bailey about 'Freedom of Speech'! [19.12.2023]

VIDEO Proof: What do you call a public person who says one thing, but then does the opposite?

Does Dr Sam (and Mark) Bailey advocate Freedom of Speech?

And then block people who point out what the real PANDemi is?

Is she then also a Hypocrites Liar?

Hypocrite Liar Dr Sam Bailey INFORMATION WARFARE! - What is the Real Fucking PAN-DEMIC?

A public message to Dr Sam and Mark Bailey on their substack.com about Steve Falconer and SPACEBUSTERS.

You all can read it (and share) from here:


Links to the video I made who proof it about Dr Sam (and Mark) Bailey:

'Happy' Fucking Sick Pedophile Frazzledrip Snufffilm Adrenochrome Canibalism Satans Christmas! [19.12.2023]





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So sorry to hear about your younger sister. My condolences Kim.

Only a few close friends, my former wife and my brother knew to avoid the jab.

I warned as many as I could until I was exhausted.

Truth, Love, Justice and Freedom!

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Wow! I have some homework, which I will do!

These links are awesome, thanks again!

I've noted a few of these concerns with many of these actors.

If there's a book to buy? Beware!

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