Thank you Kim.... ALL her lectures are fantastic....a brilliant woman, Very kind of you to do so.
I think this may be just what I need right now, the liver is the seat of anger & has to process
every single thing that goes into our mouth, on our skin, everything we inhale, & the chemical reactions our emotions & thoughts that run through our minds & physicality. I think my liver is more than likely exhausted. So this is timely for me Kim thanks so much for being so considerate as to post it a 3rd time !
All my very best & blessings from the Canadian in Australia.
ps have you ever taken a look at the videos ofJonathan Kleck on BitCHUTE or Its the final piece in the puzzle for me, I discovered him going on twenty years ago now when we still lived in Malibu CA. & it rang so true for me, all the evidence to back up what he proposes & then some. He is censored, shadow banned, videos taken down, equipment & laptops attacked, threats on family members, robbed & still his ministry continues, thank God as I don't think I would have made it this far in this fucked up world if it weren't for Jonathan, Corey & Zack. They never stop delivering the truth just like YOU my dear one. There may be only a handful of us left in this world but what a handful it is. Bless you Kim of Copenhagen ! Bless you.
Thank you Kim.... ALL her lectures are fantastic....a brilliant woman, Very kind of you to do so.
I think this may be just what I need right now, the liver is the seat of anger & has to process
every single thing that goes into our mouth, on our skin, everything we inhale, & the chemical reactions our emotions & thoughts that run through our minds & physicality. I think my liver is more than likely exhausted. So this is timely for me Kim thanks so much for being so considerate as to post it a 3rd time !
All my very best & blessings from the Canadian in Australia.
ps have you ever taken a look at the videos ofJonathan Kleck on BitCHUTE or Its the final piece in the puzzle for me, I discovered him going on twenty years ago now when we still lived in Malibu CA. & it rang so true for me, all the evidence to back up what he proposes & then some. He is censored, shadow banned, videos taken down, equipment & laptops attacked, threats on family members, robbed & still his ministry continues, thank God as I don't think I would have made it this far in this fucked up world if it weren't for Jonathan, Corey & Zack. They never stop delivering the truth just like YOU my dear one. There may be only a handful of us left in this world but what a handful it is. Bless you Kim of Copenhagen ! Bless you.
Thanks Sandi Dinsdale, I just checked these links out, a lot of truth there to :)
I agree with almost everything Jonathan Kleck say and show :)
I also know about the Dollar Biil for many years now and have shared it.
We all fight the fight our own way, thats good...
I have another little angle than Jonathan Kleck :)
This Is the Reality that Will Face All of Us.....(((( Everybody )))))
Jonathan Kleck
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Mar 2, 2025
This Is The Reality That Will Face All Of Us.....(((( Everybody )))))
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The Jonathan Kleck