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But Barry Sotro took the name of Barak Obama which means lightning from heaven. he also is muslim. Trump is Jewish who Israel indeed loves & awarded him the Tree of Life Award & the Silver Crown of Israel award, they say he is the the goyim's messiah. lol

So perhaps one of them is the antiChrist the other the Son of Perdition & the satanic Poop in Rome is the False Prophet. Time is close now. Prepare to die if you believe in the ONE True God & Jesus Christ Yahushua Hamashiach the true Messiah, Saviour, Redeemer of mankind.

See Jonathan Kleck.com or Kleck Files or Jonathan Kleck on numerous platforms.

God definitely speaks to him to help us translate & understand the true meaning of the bible as it is reflected in the world today. Everything he discusses, points out, teaches in his ministry is backed up 100% by the bible & scripture. I have learned so much in the 17 years I have been listening to him. The provable things Jonathan revelas to us have never been discovered by another before in history but are SO obvious once they are pointed out, spelled out, drawn out for you. We have been lied to from cradle to grave for generations now & God says its time we wake up & learn the truth. for as Jesus said The truth shall set you free.

& I am the truth the life & the way....Jesus Christ Yahushua. Well worth looking into his work & revelations that show us that the 9-11 inside job was printed cryptically on the US Currency years before they Israel & zionist CIA FBI committed the crime. See the 5 dancing Iraelis if you doubt it, Also nicholson1968 understand how the serpent race is controlling the world, the seed of lucifer, Cain, Cannanites, the seprent in the garden. The vatican the world's largest churc & alter is a giant crowned (*corona) double headed serpent that is eating Angels. Go figure folks.

& inside they sing to lucifer donning his own creation. & that Jesus Christ is the son of GET THIS......lucifer. Helloooo. Time to wake up. This world is a lie run by the father of lal lies. satan lucifer, that old serpent the devil...the evil one.

All we have to do is look at the opening ceremonies to the Olympics, this year & in London, all satanic ceremony & spell casting as are the Super Bowl halftimes shows as was the opening of the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham with the Bull, Molloch. Its right in our faces.

The Olympics Just Showed Something SHOCKING to the World ( watch while you can... )


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