
“Do As Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law” - Pedophile Satanist Thelema/Satanic Bible/Aleister Crowley/Anton Lavey/Helena Blavatsky

"99,99% of all Sheeple Pussy Coward People don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed!" - Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900)

"No Amount Of Evidence Will Ever Persuade An Brainwashed Idiot!" - Mark Twain (1835-1910)

"Against Stupidity Even the Gods themselves Struggle in Vain!" - Friedrich Schiller (1759-1805)

"The Mark Of A Stupid Man Is Not That He Does Not Know, It Is That He Does Not Want To Know!" - Psalm 92:6

“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with 'experience'!" - Mark Twain (1835-1910)

'Only the Dead have Seen the End of Wars!' - Plato (427-347 BCE) Black Hawh Down Music


Introclip 1.

This is how Angry I feel sometime wh3en I hear how Studid most people are!

I really like this womans attitude charisma :)

Members of the Maori people of New Zealand have performed a ritual dance in their local parliament to protest a law they believe will infringe on their rights.



Introclip 2.

A cautionary tale - Sometimes it's not worth proving something to those who don't believe.


Note: Have you Remembered to Feel 'OFFENDED' Today?

And as I have said and written in Public here in Denmarks since 2018, and still do...

These Pedophile Psycopaths are not Fucking Stupid...

They now exatly what whey are doing...

And it has been going on for thousands of years..

The same apply for the Psycopaths who 'work' for these Psycopaths...

How many people 'work' for and support the Government?

"99,99% of all Sheeple Pussy Coward people don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed!" - Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900)

99,99% of all the People in this world are Fucking Brainwashed Moron Idiots...

They are ALL in on it...

All Politicians are Liars!

All Democracy is an illusion!

NO ONE is 'Elected' they are all 'Selected!

The Right and Left are two sides of the same coin!

They all 'work' together in the same Satanic Fascist Pedophile Agenda 2030 'club'!

What is Needed now is a Worldwide Revolution...

And all Politicians and people who 'work' for these Psychopaths are Traitors in my world.

And what did the Real Freedom Fighters do to the Traitors in WW2 and WW1?

Yeah The Controlled Opposition Psyop LGBTQIA+ Pedophile Satanic Psychopaths are Fucking everywhere!

'You will notice the more awake you are, the less patience you have for opinions because you are operating on a different spiritual maturity.' - Tamara / Kim Osbøl [2020]

My shared Tamara videos, Showing 10 of 239 matches, most viewed:


"People Do NOT decide Their Futures! They Decide Their Habits! And Their Habits Decide Their Futures!" - F. M. Alexander (1869-1955)

"When Something Horrific Happens... You Can Never Go Back To Being The Same Person... Vengeance Comes!" - Unknown

"If it doesn't kill you, it's only gonna make you stronger!" - Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900)

It is also called: Problem-Reaction-Solution:

- Predictive Programming

- Social Engineering

- Subliminal Messages

- Mass Formation (Psychosis)

- Mass Hypnosis

- Mass Psychosis

- Cognitive Dissonance

- Trauma Based Mind Control

Problem-Reaction-Solution: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=problem+reaction+solution&t=h_&ia=web

Predictive Programming (MKultra) https://duckduckgo.com/?q=predictive+programming+mkultra&t=hx&va=g&ia=web

Social Engineering https://duckduckgo.com/?q=social+engineering&t=hx&va=g&ia=web

Subliminal Messages: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=subliminal+messages+definition&t=h_&ia=definition

Mass Formation (Psychosis): https://duckduckgo.com/?q=mass+formation+psychosis&t=h_&ia=web

Mass Hypnosis: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=Mass+Hypnosis&t=h_&ia=web

Mass Psychosis: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=Mass+Psychosis&t=h_&ia=web

Trauma Based Mind Control 101: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=trauma+based+mind+control+101&t=hc&va=g&ia=web

Cognitive Dissonance: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=cognitive+dissonance&t=h_&ia=web

MrE: What is Trauma- and Torture Based Mind Control 101 MK-Ultra Programming ?





PowerPoint: https://breakthemkchain.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/New-Type-of-TBMC.pptx

Lesser Magic: Non-ritual or manipulative magic, sometimes called "LESSER MAGIC" consists of the wile and guile obtained through various devices and contrived situations, which when utilized, can create 'change, in accordance with one's will'. " "The Satanic Bible" Anton LaVey ( 1969)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greater_and_lesser_magic





Clip 1.

Ex-Senator Nancy Schaefer Murdered after exposing CPS government Pedophile Child Rapist Ring!



Clip 2.

Pedophile Online Child Trafficking EtsyGate!

Are children being sold through channels by major companies?

Someone explain the photos and prices?

It's time to start looking at these companies under a microscope.

They all sure tucked tail and ran when Elon brought up Pizzagate.



Clip 3.

This is how the Pedophile World Economic Forum, UN, WHO and the Chinese Communist Party collapse Countries…

1. Flood Cities with Fentanyl

2. Create Race Wars with DEI

3. Soros Open Borders Policies

4. Sterilize Youth and Military

And then inject everyone with a Biological Vacine Weapon against a 'Virus' that NEVER has been isolated and does NOT Exists!



Clip 4.

Child actor Orlando Brown describes the Satanic Pedophile Hollywood Adrenochrome Panda Ryes ritual and what it means!



Clip 5.

Former President of The club of Rome and former executive director of the United Nations, Calin Georgescu: "the Oligarchs run the United Nations and we know that they have a pedophilia system"

Clip from:

Satanic Pedophile UN, WEF, NATO, EU and WHO Agenda 2030 Want to Normalize Pedophilia and is Teaching Children to Masturbate! [06.05.2023]

Shocking evidence report reveals UN & WEF Agenda 2030: Children must have Sexual Partners!









Clip 6.

All Satanic Pedophile Disney Celenbrities are Clones!

Doctor at Disney engineering lab admitting to cloning stars to make them ready to do what Disney want..




Clip 7.

More Pedophile Psycopaths in Schools in Plain Sight!

These Pedophile Psycopaths allowing SEX BOOKS In Schools!



Clip 8.

More Proof on the Sick Satanic Pedophile LGBTQIA+ Agenda ...

Its not about being fair.....

These transgenders need to understand that they are being used to cause a war...

Just like they were used when they were little...



Clip 9.

Satanism in Plain Sight on Children!

And Stupid Brainwashe Parents who allow the Satanist to do this to their Children!



Clip 10.

Another Sick Satanic Pedophile LGBTQIA+ Psycopath in Plain Sight!



Clip 11.

Dr Tom Cowan Viruses do not exist!




Clip 12.

All Cell phones give All incl Children Poison Radiation!



Clip 13.

Childrens Homeschooling Vs. Public indoctrination Camps!



Clip 14.

Norway (close to Denmark)

Another Sick Satanic Pedophile LGBTQIA+ Psycopath in Plain Sight!

BREAKING: A Norwegian man pretending to be a woman

will receive ZERO jail time after he was found with

10,800 videos of s*xuaIized children and expressed

a desire to rape kids because he was “having personal difficulties.”


Source: https://x.com/libsoftiktok/status/1862604577704472877


Clip 15.

Children can NOT "Choose a Gender".

A parent makes that decision and imposes it on them, to disastrous consequence.



Clip 16.

Another Sick Satanic Pedophile LGBTQIA+ Psycopath in Plain Sight!


She thought she deleted these posts back when X was Twitter.

Good thing for us, the internet is forever




Clip 17.

This how called “Disjointed” was cancelled soon after this scene was broadcast.



Clip 18.

These Sick Sstanic Psycopaths are going after the Children!

Beware! Another satanic deception going after the hearts and minds of your children! Quick watch!



Clip 19.

Systematically Planned Fluoride on Kids, yeah on ALL People!

Do you filter and Votex ALL you water?

Kim Osbøl's & Dr Tom Cowan's Water Filtering and Vortex Structuring Routine! [09.03.2023]

How to Filter and Vortex your water for Poor People... Like me! (incl links and info)





The US government was recently forced to release a suppressed May 2022 report on the effects of fluoride on kids. The report concluded fluoride can cause neurological damage in children.



Clip 20.

Another Sick Satanic Pedophile LGBTQIA+ Psycopath in Plain Sight!

Pedophile Jeffrey Marsh and other Pedophile groomers like him are mad that I expose their Pedophile desire to indoctrinate children with radical Pedophile gender ideology.



Clip 21.

What is the 'Goal for the Satanic Pedophile LGBTQIA+ Androgynous Elite?

“The final goal is to eradicate humanity as we know it”

“The next stage - the creation of an entire generation of androgynous beings”



Clip 22.

Chemical A-113 is Childrens Blood Adrenochrome!



Clip 23.

The Pedophile Nickelodeon logo is the shape of Pedophile Epstein Island!

“Signs and Symbols Rule the World, Not Words Nor Laws!" - Confucius (551-479 BCE)

“When the Human Race Learns to Read the Language of Symbolism, a Great Veil Will Fall From the Eyes of Men!" - Satanic Pedophile Manly P. Hall (1901-1990) 'The Secret Teachings of All Ages'



Clip 24.

More Sick Satanic People in Plain Sight!

“This is the highest Satanic Priestess in all of Hollywood”



Clip 25.

Sick Satanic Pedophile LGBYQIA+ Woke Google Christmas Ad to All Children! (2024)




Clip 26.

Sick Pedophile INCEST Psycopath Rabbi Yaron Reuven 'A father and daughter can marry each other''






Clip 27

Pedophile Child Rapist Hollywood PIZZAGATE Psycopaths Sickos in Plain Sight!




Clip 28.

The Satanic Witch Kardashians admit they also are LGBTQIA Pedophile shemales!

Pigs with a ruby!



Clip 29.

The Pedophile Satanist don't give a fuck about you!



Clip 30.

How the Pedophile Satanist also use social engineering and programming on Children!



Clip 31.

Poul Harvey in 1965: If I Were The Devil!



Kim Osbøl - Copenhagen Denmark

https://old.bitchute.com/channel/osboel/ (14,918 Subs)

https://old.bitchute.com/channel/osboel/ (New Shit Layout)

https://t.me/KimOsboel (803 Members)

https://web.telegram.org (Search for Kim Osbøl - Copenhagen Denmark)

https://rumble.com/user/KimOsboel (20,810 Followers)

https://substack.com/@kimosboel (262 subscribers)

Email: kim.temp@protonmail.com