
Source: https://x.com/Samstwitch_Sam/status/1897831866876526959

Tabla Smagdarina: The "Reptilian" is an Spiritual Manifestation of the 5th Cherub Serpent Satan into the Host Human and or Hybrid Human, bringing with it an Hierarchy of Demons and other Face-Formed entities that all work together to create a continuous motion called Shapeshifting.

Reptilian Shapeshifting is a continuous motion, always moving into different shapes and forms...

https://www.youtube/@TablaSmagdarina (Dead link)



This is my fourth channel, with three channels hacked and locked.

I am one of the original first few channels that started exposing the Reptilian phenomena back in 2012, and still to this day the only channel that has captured the full Reptilian form, multiple times.

Check out my channel board screenshots of Celebrities, Entertainers and Actors manifesting their full Reptilian forms and covered with Demons that manifest in Face-Formed Structures [Faces]

A "Reptilian" Spiritual Manifestation Of the Seraphim; The 5th Cherub Serpent

Satan; Cursed to eat from the Dust of the Earth [Humankind] Manifests from a Different Dimensionality (2nd Heaven) into the Host Human & Human Hybrid Genetic Code bringing with it an Hierarchy of Demons and other Disembodied Holographic Face-Formed Entities...

All Celebrities Entertainers Actors and Politicians are COVERED with Demons that Manifest in Face-Formed Structures [Faces] that can be "Filmed and Photographed"

These Demonic Principalities are TRANSFERABLE through the Optical Nervous System in Alpha-Wave Geometrical Patterns when viewed from the Television/Smartphone Alpha-Beta-Wave Black Mirror Trance...

(Channels) 2012 - 2013






CANST - Children Are NOT Sex Toys / GMNo!

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