
Note: "The Greatest Trick the Devil Ever Pulled, Was Convincing the World He Didn't Exist!" - Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867)

“The second greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he is the good guy!" - Ken Ammi (1939-2014)

"Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead EXPOSE them. For it is shameful even to speak of the things that they do in secret!" - 2 Timothy 3:5


Before the establishment of the Roman Orthodox church, dating back to the first century A.D., the Gnostics were a sect of Christians with a very different set of beliefs from what the new blossoming religion of Christianity would soon become.

The Gnostics insisted they were in fact the original Christians and that the Roman church were imposters co-opting and changing their mythology.

Many original founders like Marcion and Tatian were actually devout Gnostics who would later leave the Orthodoxy claiming the church was “setting up the fraud of historic Christianity.”

Gnosticism continued to flourish alongside the Roman church until it was declared heresy and outlawed by Emperor Constantine in 325 A.D.

Once the Orthodox Bible became canonized, all extra-biblical gnostic gospels were considered heretical and either hidden or destroyed on threat of death.

By the turn of the next century, any remaining Gnostics still openly practicing were hunted down as heretics...

Eric Dubay

206K subscribers

12,964 views May 1, 2024

