Eric Dubay: When confronted and pressed on why God would create and allow evil to exist in the world, most people respond that it is because God gives us free will, and therefore evil exists because of Man, not God.
People may choose to do evil things of their own accord, or through the influence of demi-gods like Satan, but the good God has nothing to do with it, because His only part to play was in providing us all with free will.
But is that really the case?
Can God be so easily let off the hook?
Does man truly possess this prized and pedestalized concept called "Free Will," or is that too mostly an illusion?
Note: Here is my Kim Osbøl's answer and opinion: It's all on the 'Mind'!
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Barbara O'Neill (Australia): How to Heal a Psychological Mentally Trauma! [Oct 16, 2021]
Barbara O'Neil (Australia): How to get Mental Health & Rewiring the Brain! (9/10) [Sep 30, 2018]
Barbara O'Neil (Australia): How to Heal 'Depression'! - The Optimum Health Series [3.17.2018]
Eric Dubay
203K subscribers
3,869 views Feb 11, 2024
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