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Dr Andrew Kaufman, Does 'Viruses' Exists and What is a Dis-'ease'? [16.05.2024]

Original title: 'Quanimity': Harnessing The Calm Voice of Reason!

'Quanimity meaning: calmness and composure, especially in a difficult situation.

Note: Yeah, in my Fucking opinion, and I have shared and seen over 140 videos with Dr Andrew Kaufman the last about 3 years (link below), and he is still Talk to much (like to hear him self talk = Narcisist) and are still to indoctrinated in the 'Medical' Systemn he has 'worked' for for many years..

He still use the Fake, manipulative, difficult to understand, ambiguous, irresponsible rhetoric, he has used all his life.

Very difficult for many people to Understand, instead of Fucking Using a rhetoric all people Fucking understand right away.

The 'Term' for this rhetoric is something that has been used for thousands of years, something I have documented and shared publicly since 2017…

It is called Doublespeak, NewSpeak and New Public Management Speak (Links below)

And sometimes you Fuckinh had enough and then you have to SHOUT it out, as written in this article about me when I was recuited at a Theather player to 'play' my self:

And About speaking 'nice', Fucking Research what DoubleSpeak, NewSpeak and NPM Speak is...

One of the reasons I also was in the 'News' here in Denmark...

At Fucking Least Dr Andrew Kaufman got his Beard and Hair Cut...

Hadets Sange, translated: 'Songs of Hate' a performance installation by Biering/Chemnitz

Welcome to SONGS OF HATE, where a group of real-life internet warriors occupy the Free Exhibition Building.

Someone will call them haters, but they themselves say that they are fighting for justice, for a better society and the life that we all deserve.

They have the right to speak their mind and they cannot shut up.

Sometimes they have to speak the truth out loud for all to hear.

Other times they shout to wake those who are sleeping.

Other times it is said in cash because it makes no difference anyway."

Source: 11 Sept 2018:

And much more articles...


Public Internet Warrior Kim Osbøl ft Tue Biering: SONGS OF HATE - Hadets Sange! [Sept 2018]

You can read and research more about me by clicking on 'About' on my Bitchute channel:

Dr Andrew Kaufman videos Showing 10 of 140 matches:

Professor William Lutz C-SPAN Interview [1989]: What is Doublespeak? (NPM- and NewSpeak) 29.11.2020

Also known as 'obfuscationspeak':

Define Obfuscation

Obfuscation, on the other hand, refers to the intentional act of making something unclear,

confusing, or difficult to understand. It involves the deliberate use of complex language,

convoluted explanations, or intricate processes that hinder comprehension and obscure

the true meaning of a message.

Unlike doublespeak, which primarily focuses on deception and manipulation, obfuscation

can be employed for various purposes, including intellectual property protection,

security measures, or to intentionally create barriers to comprehension.

It is often used in technical or legal contexts, where specialized jargon and intricate

language can be deliberately employed to confuse or deter individuals from fully understanding the subject matter.

George Carlin (RIP): Brain Droppings Doublespeak NewSpeak New Public Management Speak! (5/13/1999)

Max Igan: The Power of Words (DoubleSpeak, NewSpeak, New Public Management Speak) [31.12.2021]

Dr. David Martin: What is Doublespeak (NPM- and NewSpeak)? [12.02.2022]

The Satanic LGBTQIA+ Psychopath Kamala Gibberish is Intensified! = DOUBLESPEAK! [13.07.2022]

What is Doublespeak, NPM- and NewSpeak? [14.10.2022]

PS. And I have a Fucking Lot of exspience with many 'Doctors' to...


Dr Andrew Kaufman.

Staying calm and collected is not easy, especially with so many injustices panning out around us.

Think of situations when…

…police officers try to stomp on your rights, and the fight-or-flight mode inhibits your ability to legally defend yourself…

…some random, pink-haired lady walks up to you at the grocery store to tell you how despicable you are for not wearing a mask…

…you’re in a heated argument with a family member or close friend who believes all “anti-vaxxers” are white supremacists…

But you’re never going to reach them by fiercely debating or being emotional.

Note: I agree...

It’s a gigantic pitfall that continues to prevent many freedom fighters from getting through to the public.

Note: Yeah, in your opinion Dr Andrew Kaufman, I have another opinion about that..

I was one of them… until I decided to try something totally different…

This technique has helped me grab the attention of hundreds of thousands of people worldwide and share my ideas, even if they run counter to traditional beliefs.

If you’ve watched Terrain The Film, you probably remember the part where the police were escorting me out of the shop.

Note: Yeah I remember clearly...

I had plenty of reasons to bristle with rage over how unconstitutional it was, and let my emotions take charge…

Note: WTF should any person show RAGE because two stupid brainwashed Cops come and tell you their opinion?

TERRAIN The Film Part 1 & 2. (No Commercials & Advert, Reloaded) [15.02.2022]

Instead, I kept my composure, argued with a presence of mind, and got something through to them.

Note: NO you did not you Fucking Liar...

And it’s worked out every time things have gotten heated or confrontational.

Note: Again a Fucking Lie!

I call it — Equanimity.

Note: Teah like something you 'invented' and Im Fucking Sure, wanna make MONEY on right?

In fact, I’m going to showcase that very snippet today and demonstrate how you, too, can spread the truth with the stoic attitude that even the most ardent CNN zealots can’t resist listening to.

Note: For me it is easy and I say this to all people:

Always just be you own natural self, because if people like you, then thay like you as you really are...

And how do you do that?

- Listen to your intuition!

- Listen to your sixth sense!

- Listen to your gut feeling!

- Listen to your bulshit detector,!

- also called the Holy Spirit!

- Don't 'Think', 'Feeeel'

"Listen to Everyone, Read Everything and Believe Absolutely Nothing... Unless You Can Prove It in Your Own Research, and come to your own Fucking Opinion!" - William 'Bill' Cooper R.I.P (1943-2001)

And 'Opinions' are Like ASSHoles... Everyone has one...!


Andrew Kaufman, M.D. is a public speaker, researcher, natural healing practitioner, business and homeschooling consultant, inventor, and Covid-19 whistleblower.

Dr. Andy has a B.S. from M.I.T. in Molecular Biology and completed his psychiatric training at Duke University Medical Center after graduating from the Medical University of South Carolina. He spent many years in the medical field and practiced as a forensic psychiatrist and expert witness.

Andrew Kaufman

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