Ordo Ab Chao = Order out of Chaos! - Motto of the Scottish Rite
"All Warfare Is Based On Deception!" - Sun Tzu (771-256 BC)
"The Worst Of All Deceptions Is Self-deception!" - Plato (427-347 BCE)
"By Way of Deception Thou Shalt Do War!" - Motto of Israeli intelligence service MOSSAD!
'Only the Dead have Seen the End of Wars!' - Plato (427-347 BCE)
The Satanic Pedophile Trump Administration's focus on DEI in the aftermath of the plane crash, even though there is no evidence connecting it, reveals a deeper agenda at play.
And it's one that we should all be able to see coming from a mile away.
Antichrist 45 | Brother Paul's channel
44.8K subscribers
3,709 views Jan 31, 2025
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