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Professor William Lutz C-SPAN Interview 1989: What is Doublespeak, NPM and NewSpeak?

Doublespeak: The Systematic Planned Use of Language to Deceive, Manipulate and Control You!

Note: To my Rumble People, I uploaded this before but my Rumble no. 1 was deleted...

I been saying and writing this in Public here in Denmark since 2017...

Thats why I call a Pedophile for a Pedophile Child Rapist and a Psycopath for a Psycopath!

When I open my mouth or write everyone understand the first time what Im saying.

No Nullshitt speak from me, I say it as it is..

Reloaded from 29.11.2020 November 29th, 2020.

My old description:

NPM = New Public Management Speak and are the same as Doublespeak and NewSpeak:

To all the lying manipulative irresponsible idiots..

Also called NewSpeak and New Public Management Speak (Bullshit Culture)....

I meet and have met so many people who express that they are fighting for freedom and honesty..

But when it comes down to it, they use the same fascist manipulative lying strategy in their Rhetoric or their sick sexual perverse inclinations including Pedophilia as well as their drug abuse including beer, alchohol, Drugs and cannabis...

They cannot see for themselves that they are deeply manipulated and indoctrinated to use this language...

Or maybe they have chosen this sick satanic way of living…

And when I then confront you with the fact that it is falsely ambiguous rhetoric abdicating responsibility, then they don't understand a shit..

The same with your sick sexual perverted pedophile tendencies..

They are a 'good' and 'sensible' person while they (almost) screw up everything in their path, piles, etc...

All the while you yourself use the friendly 'sweet rhetoric', ambiguous, 'politically correct' irresponsible Thief language, Doublespeak and Newspeak as well as 'New Public Management (NPM) language' (bullshit culture).

And they are good at it.

The politicians, the journalists, the media, the case handlers, the civil servants...

I can 'smell it from afar (my BullShitt-Detector) and am about to puke on it.

So tell the damn things as they are directly so there is nothing to misunderstand...

And you say that we should all speak nicely to each other...

We have always done that...

And I have written about this in i.a. on since 2017;

AND it is used almost everywhere you go in our world today…

And I can come up with lots of documentation like this that verifies that it is the reality..

And give the names of all the people I know and have met on my way who use it...


DECEMBER 20, 1989 - Booknotes - Doublespeak

William Lutz, professor of English at Rutgers University, talked about his book Double-Speak: The Use of Language to Deceive You. A unique analysis of American English, examples of double-speak are “human kinetics” in place of “physical education,” and “pavement deficiencies” instead of “potholes.” Double-speak is consciously used to manipulate. Lutz pointed out that his mission is not to eradicate double-speak, but to eliminate double-speak from the discourse of important issues where it is most dangerous. He stated that double-speak is most prevalent in government, followed closely by the advertising industry.


BRIAN LAMB, HOST: William Lutz, what is double-speak?

WILLIAM LUTZ, AUTHOR, "DOUBLESPEAK": Double-speak is language designed to evade responsibility, make the unpleasant appear pleasant, the unattractive appear attractive. Basically, it's language that pretends to communicate, but really doesn't. It is language designed to mislead, while pretending not to.

LAMB:Is it done consciously?

LUTZ: Oh, yes! Very consciously. Doublespeak is not a slip of the tongue or a mistaken use of language, it's exactly the opposite. It is language used by people who are very intelligent and very sophisticated in the use of language, and know that you can do an awful lot with language.

LAMB:Who is the worst offender?

LUTZ: Sheer numbers of examples? The government, if we count government from the local level all the way up to the federal level. I had to stop writing the chapter on government double-speak. It was going to take over the whole book. But interestingly enough, and this was a revelation in doing the book, about a half a step behind, comes business, with a tremendous amount of double-speak.

Jul 23, 2015 - A Journalism Excellence Pick: Interview with William D. Lutz, an American linguist who specializes in the use of plain language and the avoidance of deceptive language known as Doublespeak.

The interview discusses his essay "The World of Doublespeak" as well as his book "Doublespeak". Both the original essay and the book describe the four different types of doublespeak and the social dangers: euphemism, jargon, gobbledygook, and inflated language.

William D. Lutz currently serves as the third chairman of the Doublespeak Committee and has since 1975. In 1989, both his book, "Doublespeak" and, under his editorship, the Doublespeak Committee's third book, "Beyond Nineteen Eighty-Four", were published.

Lutz is also the former editor of the Quarterly Review of Doublespeak....


Black Pinecone

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