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Dems Launch 'Stop Project 2025' To Resist LGBTQIA+ Pedophile Antichrist Trump Dictatorship!

Psyop Pedophile Donald Trump: I Will Protect the Sick Satanic Perverse LGBTQIA+! [27.05.2024]

The Bible prophecies are being fulfilled.

The Lord God has given Satan only a short time.

"Therefore rejoice, you Heavens, and you that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and of the sea!

For the devil is come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has but a short time." (Rev 12:12)

And the devil has laid his plan to install his Antichrist Donald Trump to rule the earth for a time - and drag souls down to hell with him.

And Satan has his man Joe Biden in place to be the big loser in 2024, a man who will be 82 in November.

The Democrats have said 2024 is the most important election of our lifetime.

They could have replaced Joe Biden but they were unwilling.

They have chosen to stand pat and play the cards they have, with all their chips stacked in the middle of the table - and they are betting the farm on Joe Biden.

The Democratic Party understands all too well it's hopeless to defeat Donald Trump in 2024 with their candidate Joe Biden.

But the die is cast - and they will not change horses midstream.

Foreseeing their defeat in 2024, "House Democrats Lay Plans To Stop Implementation Of Project 2025" - news media is reporting.

Democratic House members are anticipating and bracing for the Project 2025 agenda mapped out by the returning Trump administration.

Many House Democrats have launched a task force to start fighting the Project 2025 proposal to stop it from taking hold when Donald Trump returns to power in 2025.

Democratic Rep. Jared Huffman of California unveiled "The Stop Project 2025 Task Force" this past week, the latest sign that congressional Democrats and others are treating Trump’s dictatorial designs seriously in the expected victory of Trump and the GOP in November.

Huffman said Project 2025 will hit, quote, “like a Blitzkrieg” and lawmakers need to be ready.


Brother James Key

21K subscribers

890 views Jun 18, 2024